Why periods do my head in

I was having a shower earlier today – on my period – and nearly fainted. My vision went funny and I just knew I needed to sit down before my friend found me bloody and naked and unconscious. And it hit me. Not everybody has to deal with this. And it did my head in.

Me thinking about periods

If you didn’t fall victim to being born from XX chromosomes then you have no idea how fucking annoying ~40 years of our lives can be!!!!!!!!!

So…let’s go to the beginning. What is a period?

A period isn’t bleeding for a few days a month.

Well, obviously it is. But that is the least important part of a period.

A period is your hormone levels going completely AWOL. Your body literally changes. You change emotionally (the only part Annoying Men really care about) and you change physically. You’ll literally look and feel fatter a lot of the time. Your breasts absolutely wreck. Your legs feel like they weigh twice as normal. And your back feels like it’s broken. And you get shooting pains in your arsehole that paralyze you for a few seconds.

So if I tell you to piss off – it’s because everything is doing my head in!

Things about life on your period that do my head in

Period pains can be intenssssssssssssssse. Some symptoms we have can be enough to send someone to the hospital. seriously, find me a man that wouldn’t act like they are on their death bed with all of the symptoms I described above.

Men when you casually bring up periods and they have to acknowledge they exist

Yet…..I am expected to go to work as normal??? If you smoke, you are treated with more consideration in the workplace than if you’re on your period. And yeah, that does my head in.

My mum knew someone who got sacked because every month they had to have a day or two off when their periods was at its worst.

It’s literally nature.

I have to pay for my painkillers for my period pains. I have to pay for my sanitary products. I have to mentally pay for being bed bound. I have to socially pay for not wanting to speak to someone without crying or shouting at them.

And people wonder why it does my head in?

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